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  • Writer's picturethoughtsofawoman1111

You Are Enough

And if no one told you today. YOU ARE ENOUGH!

How many times do we allow people to treat us like there's something wrong with us. Like we're not good enough. Especially when it comes to personal relationships. We as women would go above and beyond for those we love. Sometimes or most of the time those same individuals don't give us anything. Not financial support, not emotional support and they even break us down mentally by gaslighting us. Openly disrespecting us then turn around and say we see things that isn't there. They never did anything to us. Promise us the world and our deepest desires, knowing that they never have the intention of giving it to us.

We build people up, then they simply leave us for the next best thing. When those people they left us for disappoint them. They run back to us good hearted females who only ever gave them love and support. Never asked anything of them. The biggest disrespect is never that fact that someone rejects you or even leave you for someone else. No the biggest disrespect is when someone uses you, your goodness, your resources and then give everything you deserve to someone else.

But I'm here today to tell that Female/Male who had to force themselves back up from the ground that a weak individual left them and go on facing the world who sees them as a weakling for loving that individual who hurt and betrayed them in the first first. YOU ARE ENOUGH!

In fact you're probably over qualified, but let's remain humble. In God's word He declares; "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities; that the power of Christ may rest upon me. - 2 Corinthians 12:9" The word infirmities caught my eye and I had to know what the word mean. To my amazement the very definition of the word says so much. Infirmity - physical or mental weakness. 'old age and infirmity come to men and women alike' some synonyms of the word (there's a lot so I will only name a few) weakness, delicacy, disability, impairment, illness, sickness, poor health, shakiness, unsteadiness, uncertainty, indecision etc. As I'm writing down those synonyms that Bible verse touches my heart yet again. We serve a God who love us unconditionally, who's love is unchanging and the very same since before we were born till after the day we pass away and still into infinity. He declares in His word that in our weakness His strenght is made perfect. Why would we forget those words and allow a human being who didn't create us, form us, died for us and accept us AS WE ARE FAULTS, FLAWS, WEAKNESS MISTAKES AND ALL to treat us or make us feel like we're not good enough?

Don't allow the enemy to steal your joy and to make you miserable. There's far more in you that God love, accept and placed in you himself to go another day feel unworthy. You deserve love, you deserve respect. It's time that you start treating yourself the way you so effortlessly treat others.

Remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL (Psalm 139 says so)

YOU ARE LOVED (Jeremiah 31:3 says so)

YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH (Romans 5:8 says so)

Never allow anyone to make you think any less of yourself, because that's an insult to God who created you Perfectly and Wonderfully!

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