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Now I Know My Energy Is Valuable

Your energy IS your most important asset. It is more valuable than your time and far more valuable than your money. Without energy you cannot engage in the things of life that are most important to you.

The 4 Dimensions Of Energy: Spiritual Mental Emotional Physical

Make sure that you work on each one of them for each one of them creates a structure of balance in your life.

Have you ever given more of yourself towards a connection than you have received back? Do you remember how you felt like you’re not good enough? How empty you felt? Well, that happens when you don’t know your value. When you forget who you are. When you forget that you were created fearfully and wonderfully by a creator that is all loving.

Ever heard of the saying; “Everything in life is ENERGY. Your thought begins it, your emotions amplify it, and your action increases its momentum.”

That is because where FOCUS goes, energy flows.

The more focus you give towards anything in your life, the more energy you pour into it.

That means the good as well as the bad. If you focus all your energy on the bad, you’ll end up manifesting more bad experiences in your life. If you focus on more good things, you’ll end up manifesting more good experiences into your life.

Something I struggled with for a while was feeling like I wasn’t supported by my family and friends where my dreams are concerned. I desired to start my own motivational social media platforms. Yes, one or two supported me and I’ll always be grateful for them. The majority however simply did not. I do not feel any anger or hate towards any of them, not everyone is for you or for what you stand for. That’s perfectly ok, your tribe, who and what is for you will always find you. “What You Seek, Is Seeking You!” It all comes down to coming into alignment with what is for you.

For three years I created content, posted them, shared my Blog posts. Yet, no interaction came from those around me. Some strangers and one or two of my family and friends liked and commented on my content. For so long that used to trigger me so much. Until recently when I learned that my Energy Is Valuable!

I started to shift my focus and as a result I shifted my energy as well.

So, I started practicing GRATITUDE towards ANY positive response I received and I simply just started creating content and wrote because I LOVE doing it. Since I did that I started doing more research on how I can grow as a writer and started looking for platforms that I could start publishing my work on. That’s when I came across information about Medium. Some time passed after I heard about the platform, one day I felt compelled to join and publish my work. (This article is actually inspired by my very first comment that I received on Medium, after only 3 days of being on the platform.)

The response that I received was mind-blowing. It was far better than the three years I spent working on my website and struggling to promote it.

That just goes to show that one should be mindful about where your focus goes. If you don’t see the desired results in your life, regarding any situation. Shift your focus.

Always Remember: “Where focus goes, energy flows!” Your energy is valuable. Don’t waste it or give it to people or situations that simply isn’t aligned with your highest good!

Content Credits: VA Services By Nadine

Written By: Nadine van Rayner Follow Me For More Motivation & Inspiration On Instagram: @thoughts.of.a.woman1111

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