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Updated: Mar 1, 2023

How often do you feel like you should be further in life by now. That you're just not doing enough. You second guess yourself and you feel disappointed in yourself. It's almost like you can see the growth and success of everyone around you, but when it comes to seeing how far you've come. You just can't seem to see those same results in your own life. Simple things like overcoming a bad situation, a difficult loss of a loved one that you've overcome and healed from, removing toxic people from your life or walking away from toxic situations, not engaging in drama, healing yourself, taking care of yourself, taking a risk to start a new business venture, overcoming your fear. Those kind of things that you would complement someone else on, you simply can't seem to complement yourself on.

Well I'm here today to remind you that You Are Doing Better Than You Think You Are!

Self-Love means being able to give yourself the Love you so freely give others. So you should be able to complement yourself as much as you complement those around you as well. Loving yourself doesn't mean that you're selfish, it means that you know how to pour into yourself first then being able to share that love in a healthy manner with those around you as well.

7 Signs That You Are Doing Better Than You Think You Are:

1. You're Way Different Than You Used To Be.

When you look back on your life, either in the distant past or just a year ago. You'll notice that you're just not the same person you used to be. You have new hobbies, new believe systems, new habits, you see life differently, you gained knowledge and wisdom and you no longer react to situations the way you used to. Your outlook on life changes. Even your likes and dislikes changed. You may have been the type of person who loved socialising, now you find comfort and peace in being alone. Just by really analysing and comparing the way you changed and how you used to be to who you are now. You'll be able to see that you're further in life than you think you are!

2. You Overcame Those Tough Times And Bad Times.

When you look back on your life. You can recall all the tough times that you had to endure. Just to name a few; an illness diagnoses, betrayal from loved ones, losing the people you love to death, being rejected by those you thought you would spend your whole life with. You know what tough times and bad situations you had to overcome in your life. Yet you overcame them, you healed, you moved on, you picked yourself up off the ground that you in that moment thought you wouldn't be able to. You saw first hand just how strong and how powerful you are and that in itself is a big sign that you're doing much better than you think you are and that you're further in life.

3. You Have Goals And Dreams.

Having goals and dreams is such an underestimated accomplishment. If you knew that there's people who doesn't even have goals, dreams or ambitions. You would really be proud of yourself for just wanting better for yourself and for your life. Small Steps Matter! Celebrate your little achievements as much as you celebrate your big accomplishments, often times it's those little goals that you set and achieved that eventually allows the End Goal to be achieved. Remember that not every goal or dream that you set out for yourself will come into fruition, yet one thing life taught me is that often times it's because a better or bigger goal or dream will eventually manifest in yourself and if that previous goal or dream did happen, you would never have been able to achieve or accomplish the bigger one. So never get discouraged when one door closes. You're still doing better than you think you are and eventually you will be able to see why that door did have to close.

4. You Have 1-3 Close Friends

How scary is the thought that if you have about 10 or more close friends, you have 10 or more people who know your private business, they knew your flaws, they know your fears, they know your daily comings and going. If you have so many people who know your business, your business is all over town and you can't blame anyone else for it but yourself, because you chose to share your life with so many people. Remember a listening ear is also a running mouth. So if you are the type of person who started to cultivate your circle and have genuine, loyal and trust worthy minimum amount of people in your life. Who actively work on themselves and allow you to do the same without judgement or who wouldn't start treating you like an outcast when you start to put yourself first and set healthy boundaries for yourself. If you started cutting toxic people out of your life, started removing yourself from unhealthy situations and unnecessary drama and instead started to cherish those healthy relationships in your life. The kind of relationships where you poor into and they poor into you then you are doing better than you think you are.

5. When You Seek Peace Over Pleasure.

Some people feed off other peoples' energy. If you have become the kind of person who draw energy from the comfort of your own home. When you finally find yourself in a place where your Mental Health is secure and you're able to stabilise your own life. When you desire peace above all else and find happiness within yourself instead of seeking for it in outside sources. You are further ahead in life and you are doing better than you think you are!

6. You Learn From Your Mistakes.

Making mistakes in life is inevitable. If you're not making mistakes then you're probably not doing anything. Therefore it is important to use every mistake as a lesson. If you are the type of person who ask "What is thing trying to teach me?" Instead of asking "Why is this happening to me?" You are much further in life and is most definitely on your way to be even further in life than you can even imagine you could be. If you are able to look within yourself and explore in depth the reasons behind you making that mistake in the first place, the choices that led to it, what you could have done different, what you need to change or heal from in order to not make the same mistake again and you use the lessons that the mistake taught you, then you are doing much better than you think you are!

7. You Have A Mentality That Everything Will Be All Right.

Having a positive mindset can help you weather the storms of life. If you speak goodness over your life. If you use positive affirmations to build your own self-esteem up and don't need validation from outside sources to continue on despite how dark situations in your life may look. If you practice gratitude and express gratitude for the blessings you already have, while working to achieve the desires of your heart. If you are the kind of person who is able to be optimistic about life events, you are rich with knowledge and wisdom, you don't allow bad situations to overcome you, then you are doing better than you think you are.

A Bonus Sign & one of the most important signs that you are doing better than you think you are in life is;

If You Have Christ In Your Life

Having Christ in your life is one of the biggest signs that you are doing better than you think you are. Many people go through life just holding on and barely surfing, wishing for a better day, a day when they will be able to get up without feeling depressed, broken, broken hearted or anxious. But you who have found The Kingdom Of God, you wake up with a sense of purpose, with an unexplainable source of peace, joy and happiness, an unconditional kind of love that you've been searching for in the world for years. With Christ you can face any and every obstacle that life can through your way and you can come out on the other side an even stronger individual.

In order for you to continue reminding yourself that you are doing better than you think you are. You just have to see your life for what it is; Beautiful!

- Author: Nadine van Rayner

- Thoughts Of A Woman

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