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Woman Of The Month Interview With Theresa George van Rayner

Every Month I will be having an interview with a Woman I see as powerful and breaking her own glass ceiling to accomplish success in her life. As women we should always strive to motivate and inspire each other. One woman's success doesn't mean that others can't accomplish it. On the contrary it means that others can accomplish it. The very first Woman Of The Month Interview I'm doing is with a very special Lady, because she's actually my new official aunt who married into our family in December.

Thoughts Of A Woman: Please introduce yourself.

Theresa George van Rayner: My name is Theresa George van Rayner. I am a registered Theatre Nurse (Theatre Sister).

Thoughts Of A Woman: Why did you decide to pursue that career path?

Theresa George van Rayner: I'll tell you very simple.

Thoughts Of A Woman: Very simple in what way? Is there no story behind the choice? Maybe a Divine purpose or feeling or being drawn towards it?

Theresa George van Rayner: Yes there is a story. I always knew I wanted to help people and I love helping others, it's very rewarding. So when my brother and a friend of mine passed away 23 years ago, I knew back then they were not helped. So I wanted to help wherever I can and my father passed away also 2 years after that. So I realised that my calling is nursing.

Thoughts Of A Woman: How does Covid19 affect your daily job?

Theresa George van Rayner: Covid affected me in a very emotional way. Deep in my core. I've never seen so much suffering in a hospital. Patients seen dying rapidly due to delaying for help or they think they won't make it. I feel emotionally drained because I couldn't understand the change of new symptoms. It affected my loved ones as well because they saw me in tears a lot after shifts. A voice haunting me; "Nurse am I going to die?" From a young man. It was a traumatic experience.

Thoughts Of A Woman: How do you stay focused during all this?

Theresa George van Rayner: Being humble, my spiritual life kept me grounded, knowing that God is the centre of my universe. That's how I was able to stay focused knowing I was covered by our Father.

Thoughts Of A Woman: What advice can you give young people or anyone who desire to become a nurse?

Theresa George van Rayner: Never give up on your dream, be determined to achieve your goal, be passionate about becoming a nurse. Put God in your plans and your desires will come true. Stay focused, level headed and safe for the future.

On that note I end my interview with Theresa George van Rayner. Thank you so much for being willing to do the interview with me I truly appreciate it. Keep on doing the amazing work you do. May God bless you and your family on your journey ahead.

Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.

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