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What You Do Matters

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

There is something inside you that the world needs!!!

I've been sitting on this blog post for some time now. Whenever I get quiet it comes back to me again, that's why I know that I just have to write it. I'm a firm believer in sings and that nothing just happens. There's a meaning behind everything. Last night I watched a movie called The Sky Is Everywhere, that my sister recommended. In the movie the girl wrote a message on a piece of paper, "Do you believe in signs?". With the intention of taking the letter and not having someone see it, but then she forgot the letter. Later on, in the movie the guy she liked came to her with the letter in his hand saying yes, he does believe in signs.

This morning when I woke up the first thing that popped into my mind again was this blog post and immediately, I remembered my father and the last conversations we had, and I thought to myself that if it wasn't for my father's baby sister who basically forced that day to go to visit them so she could surprise me with his visit. That moment wouldn't have happened. We often have ideas and feelings that truly come from God, but because of everything else that is happening around us and our constant overthinking. We often disregard them, not even knowing that something so small can have a very big impact in someone else's life moving froward. There is a popular saying that says "Fear will have you stuck in places you don't belong."

God gave each one of us different gifts and talents. Some can sing well, some dance well, some speak well, others play sport well, some write well etc. Each gift can serve as a blessing to another. A family-friend said to me the other night at my grandmother's 70th Birthday party (that wouldn't have happened if my aunt didn't feel the need to plan it) that she read my blog posts and that caught me by surprise, but then she continued and said that she noticed that I didn't write anything for a while now. My mother stood next to me at the time and when we spoke about it later on my mother asked the very same question I was thinking "So she actually checked on your blog, because how does she know that you didn't write anything for some time now?" That really shocked me because often we think that what we do people don't notice or don't appreciate, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

The things we do matters, and they have a greater and much bigger impact on the lives of those around us than we would ever even imagine. The love of my life would normally say to me that he appreciates me for the person that I am, because I normally tell him that as long as the people that I love is happy, I'm happy. Then he would always end up saying to me "And we appreciate you for that". Even those words that he tells me matters so much to me, without him even realizing it.

So, to end off today's blog post I want you to take these words to mind, engrave them in your heart and soul, WHAT YOU DO MATTERS!!! Regardless of how small your act of kindness is, even if you do not get recognition in that very moment, know in your heart that what you did serves as a much bigger purpose in many different ways, ways that can and will blow your mind moving forward.

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