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  • Writer's picturethoughtsofawoman1111

My journey to starting my own blog.

Updated: Jun 14, 2020

All my life I wanted to help people by motivating them, but being a introvert it was very difficult for me to do it. On top of that I'm an empath, but I won't be getting into those two topics from the get go, so I will leave that for a later post.

What stopped me from creating my own blog was the fact that I had no idea how to do it, my fear and insecurity. Those I reached out for help shut me down and said they also don't know how. So I used what I had available which was Facebook. But deep down I had fear, those, what will people think and say, negative comments got to me after I started sharing motivational quotes and videos on my Facebook page, Thoughts Of A Woman. I also didn't receive the response and interaction I was hoping for, it was as if no one took note of what I did. That broke my self - esteem down, so eventually I simply just stopped. But during the time I stopped motivating people I started using Instagram, YouTube and I read a lot of books on motivation to motivate myself. Eventually I felt the desire to go back to Facebook and try again, this time I used my old Facebook account with my name and then things changed, people reacted to my content and appreciated it. It was almost like things just fell into place for me. So I started doing research on 'how to start your own blog' and came across WIX. I joined and here I am with my new blog, finally after all these years and the most amazing part is I'm grateful and proud of my achievement, so much so that the outcome of my blog is of no importance. I simply just love doing what I do, sharing motivation and inspiration is my passion and my life purpose. That is far more than enough for me.

Little by little, day by day. What is meant for you will find it's way.

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