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We're All Spiritually Connected

Spirituality is recognising and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives. - Brené Brown

Normally I plan my content ahead of time. Unless I get a message that feels urgent and bothers me so much that I put it out immediately. Last week someone that I know DM'd me to tell me that he appreciates the content that I share on social media. We ended up having a full conversation and he actually spoke about the exact same thing that I had planned to post on my Thoughts Of A Woman Instagram account. "Work On Yourself".

The same week my aunt (my father's baby sister) sent me a message saying that she had a dream of me. (In the dream she met my Twin, then she said to me that they always thought that I look like my father, but now they see that I actually look a lot like my mother.) I then told her that just the night before, I watched a movie. In the movie the daughter said to her father that her older sister said to her that she remind her of their mother, then her father said to her, yes, she does have a lot of her mother in her, but she also got a lot of him (her father) in her. I immediately felt my father's presence the moment I heard those words in the movie. For my aunt and I to get the same message in two different ways, just showed me again that we're spiritually connected. That was such a beautiful confirmation and moment for the both of us.

Three years ago, I started my spiritual journey, not knowing how much I would've grown and evolved. To the point where I now have better understanding and I'm able to handle messages better. The reason why I love to confirm messages that I receive from others, is because I remember when I started my journey. I was very confused and felt lost. I actually felt like I lost my mind. I couldn't understand what was happening to me. Why I started having visions, why I had dreams that bothered me constantly, why I could feel things that I couldn't understand. During that time my father was sick, and I could feel what he felt during his illness, that caused massive panic attacks and anxiety. I could even feel everything the love of my life (My Twin Flame) went through. Even now I can feel when he's anxious, the only difference is once my father passed away, I understood what was happening to me. I saw that what I saw in my visions they came true, during the loss of my father, and, for that reason. I was able to handle his earthly departure, without losing myself again, almost like God prepared me for what was about to come. The whole journey I went through with my father, made me stronger and wiser that now when I do connect with others spiritually, I don't lose myself in it and I'm able to handle it better.

People around me during that time would tell me all sorts of things, trying to physically justify what was happening to me, they used to say that it's all in my head, that I'm too stressed that's why I'm experiencing panic attacks. I should just breath and relax. Imagine having visions, not even knowing that you have a gift of seeing visions, then having people tell you to just relax. Seeing and feeling that you'll be losing your father over and over again. I mean how would that make you feel? For that reason, I love to acknowledge and validate messages that I receive from others. I know what it feels like to go through that process of awakening, being told and treated like there's something wrong with you. I wish that on no one else.

The Yin Yang symbol will always serve as a reminder to me that I'm already whole. I need nothing outside of me to feel complete.

In a nutshell, in one way or another, we're all spiritually connected in a web of spiritual energy. The more you're emotionally or intellectually connected to someone, the stronger the psychic cord binds you. Regardless of time or distance, these energy cords will tie us together in the spiritual plane.

Your Path Is More Difficult, Because Your Calling Is Higher - Thoughts Of A Woman

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