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Tribute To My Father

Updated: Jan 5, 2021

A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way. - Unknown

Today mark my father's first month anniversary of passing on. I actually realised it last night when I had the idea of writing the tribute blog post in honour of my father. Last year have been the most difficult, yet at the very same, it has been the most beautiful year.

My father served as a crucial part of my Awakening process. The journey he walked his last few years on this earth and my journey the last few years witnessing it all. Created this massive awakening within me to finally see how connected we were despite physical distance between us. I wrote about our history and our relationship in my very first eBook - Family Is A Source Of Peace.

As my father got sick I could feel him on such a deeper level, a level I have never ever felt before. That broaden my understanding of so many things that I didn't know or actually fully understood growing up. Looking back on it now, even though it was very scary at the time I can see the beauty in our connection. I can see how much I meant to my father and how much he meant to me.

To me my father was my Hero, Today he's my Guardian Angel. He helped me awaken my spiritual gift. The journey we had to take helped me deal with the physical loss of his earthly body, today I can understand much better when he connects with me on a spiritual level.

I had a few dreams of him since he passed on. Normally I tell my aunt (My father's baby sister) that he's so sneaky when he appears to me, because I can feel his presence so strongly in my dream state yet he doesn't reveal himself physically to me. On Sunday I had a dream that my aunt (my mother's eldest sister) came to pick me up and she took me to go meet up with him because we were planning on spending the day together. When I woke up I saw a message from my aunt asking if she could come pick us up to go out for the day. The night after we had our family-day outing, my aunt and I had a very deep conversation. I told her about the dream I had and I told her that I thought about him the whole day, because I felt his presence and she smiled and said that she had a thought about him and still wanted to tell me but got distracted. She remembered the day that he did something very special for her and what was amazing to her about the thought was the fact that it happened years ago. Yet she thought about it that day. That served as conformation to the both of us that he in deed was with us through out the day. What was even more beautiful was the fact that the next trip we took, on our way back, my brother played music and in the one song (it was a mash up of beautiful songs) a small piece of the very first song my father connected with me played - Time after time. "If you're lost you can look and you will find me Time after time If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting Time after time." As the song played I immediately picked up on it and I saw through the corner of my eye that my aunt was looking at me, because we just had the conversation about my dream the previous night.

So my tribute to my father I want to dedicate to everyone who lost someone. That person is never too far gone from you. You may not see them physically, but spiritually your love will forever keep you connected. Just open yourself up to the beautiful messages they send you, through a friend, a loved one, a dream, a song even something that plays on TV that reminds you of them. That is their way of connecting with you and giving you exactly what you need to walk on your journey moving forward. Until you unite and meet again.

Remember Me

Don't remember me with sadness;

Don't remember me with tears;

Remember all the laughter,

We've shared throughout the years,

Now I am contend

That my life it was worthwhile,

Knowing that I passed along the way

I made somebody smile.

When you are walking down the street

And you've got me on your mind,

I'm walking in your footsteps

Only half a step behind.

So please don't be unhappy

Just because I'm out of sight

Remember that I'm with you

Each morning, noon and night.

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