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Thoughts Of A Woman's Interview With Jocelyn Kammies

Introducing; Jocelyn Kammies, co-founder and visionary of the Missionvale Action Group (MAG).

I'm doing my very first interview with; Jocelyn Kammies. To spread awareness of the amazing work she has been doing in our community. As young people we constantly strive for more. To create a better life for us. Yet we forget where we come from. The very first thing we do when we start earning our first pay check, is think of the next best place we can move to and start an amazing life. Forgetting where we came from, forgetting that we now have the power to help those who came after us. To actually make a difference in our parent's lives. I myself fell pray to living with the shame of being from the

"hood" and growing up in a place where people isn't financially stable. I moved out the very first chance I had. Until I had my awakening and came to an realization that this is where I can make a bigger difference. So I returned home to start over. Therefore I am truly grateful that God gave me the opportunity to interview a young lady who's making such a big difference and impact in our community. She also made me desire to contribute even more and to be apart of the movement to better our community for the next generation. So they can see that they too can become whatever they desire to be in life. That it doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is what you make of the opportunities life sends your way.

The interview:

Thoughts Of A Woman: Can you please explain what your organization is about?

Jocelyn Kammies: MAG is a NPO (Non Profit Organization) that is mainly focused on youth and youth development, though not limited to youth, with the aim of providing opportunities that will enable our young people to rise above poverty.

Thoughts Of A Woman: Why did you start your organization?

Jocelyn Kammies: I wanted to make a difference in my community and was fortunate enough to have a group of inspired and passionate people join me in the vision.

Thoughts Of A Woman: What keeps you motivated when negativity, fear and doubt creep in?

Jocelyn Kammies: I believe that this vision is not mine. I have been entrusted with it. It is that mentality and knowledge that keeps me motived, because it comes from a force higher than myself. There's a Bible verse that we always refer back to, because it came to us at a very low point; "And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." - Habakkuk 2:2-3

Thoughts Of A Woman: What is your own personal driving force when it comes to your organization?

Jocelyn Kammies: I was born and bred in Missionvale so it really hurts to see how much it has changed for the worst. I know that is mainly due to a lack of opportunities, because the youth of Missionvale has the potential to achieve greatness. It's all about tapping into that. We look forward to continue working with like-minded individuals and organizations to make that happen.

Thoughts Of A Woman: What advice would you give someone who wants to start their own organization, or who want to get more involved in one?

Jocelyn Kammies: Make sure that you're doing it for the right reasons. Starting an organization like this takes heart and it requires a lot of sacrifice. If you're not in it for the right reasons you will fail to make an impact.

Thought Of A Woman: What advice can you give young people today that you wish someone told you when you were younger?

Jocelyn Kammies: 1. Your voice matters! I've always been a reserved and somewhat shy person, but I've had to learn to become more firm and outspoken when it comes to the things I am passionate about. 2. Start where you are. If you have the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, no matter how small..... Do it!

That is it for my very first Interview on my blog. I hope the words of Jocelyn Kammies touched you as much as it touched me. I will be keeping you up to date with the amazing work MAG is doing for our community and will be sharing their information soon, if you desire to donate towards the organization. It is within each and everyone of us to spark a movement and to make a difference in not only our community, but in yours as well.

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. - Maya Angelou

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