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The Long Overdue Post

A few months ago I announced on my Facebook account and on my Wix App that I will be announcing my very first ( I have a lot of very first's this year!) VIP Members OF 2020. Even though God had other plans with my life and the past few months I had to adjust to His big masterplan for my life, I don't go back on my word and I do still desire to let all my amazing supporters know that they're special, valuable and valued! I see every comment, every like, every time they support whatever I take on and for that I am truly grateful. I appreciate each and everyone of you ladies and (gentlemen)

This website was originally a vision for females only. I desired to help my fellow Devine Feminines on their ever changing journey of life, until my brother spoke to me and said that he would love to read my blog, maybe he can learn things from me so he can be able to treat the woman who enters his life better. That made me realise that I can share my knowledge with Divine Masculines as well and not only limit my website to Divine Feminines. Therefore I started sharing my website on my general personal Facebook account as well.

On that note I will still only keep this Award as pre-planned and only Award my Loyal Divine Feminines, because they truly deserve it. I have truly amazing souls in my life and I end my 2020 year off not Awarding them with their VIP Award. The Winner will be announced in December only, but one of these ladies on the list below will be that Winner and will be blessed with a Inuka Gift set. Originally the gift would have been a Clicks voucher but I will be switching it up and rather give that amazing Lady the blessing of spoiling herself with amazing beauty products.

THE VIP AWARD GOES TO: (In no particular order....)

  1. Nikki

  2. Jessica

  3. Tumza

  4. Zimasa

  5. Abigail

  6. Wanda

  7. Senobia

  8. Cecelia

  9. Jenna

  10. Maryka

  11. Davidene

  12. Tiffany

  13. Clerisha

  14. Andrea

  15. Pam

  16. Theresa

  17. Rachelene

  18. Anika

The original list had 18 Ladies who truly supported my vision from the get go. There is two other ladies whom I have to acknowledge as well. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for them, they truly are my light is my darkest hours.

Those two ladies are:

19. Zelna

20. Zalia

There's no words that can describe how much all these ladies mean to me. They have proven to me over and over again that "Strong Women Support One Another" and that "Competition doesn't exist and that one woman's success story is every woman's gain!"

May God bless you all on your individual journeys, I'm rooting for you all, sending you lots of love and praying for you all daily! I can't wait to crown the winner in December!!!!!

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