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Self Love Is Essential

Updated: Sep 29, 2020

Look inside yourself you are more than what you have become. - The Lion King

I always loved the movie The Lion King. It teaches us so much about life and spirituality. As a child we actually don't understand the depth of what we are exposed to. Then as we grow up we finally see how what we learned from a very young age plays a very big role in our lives.

As I embarked on my journey of self-discovery I found a lot of deeper truths that I hold very dear to my heart. As a young girl I always felt driven, drawn and pulled into directions that I often myself couldn't see the bigger picture off. Until it was all made clear to me in what Spiritual beings call The Awakening. It is when I went through that process that I finally found myself and I was finally able to step into my Divine Power as a Woman.

I realized that my power comes from being 100% myself. My power comes from being my Authentic Self. My power comes from being proud of My Truth. My power comes from standing up for My Truth. My power comes from following my intuition and allowing myself to feel. Whatever it may be in that moment I need to allow myself to feel it and not hold any judgement towards myself for it.

By doing that I started my healing process. I started to let go of my self-destructive ways. I let go off people pleasing, co-dependency, my relationship issues, doubting myself, my childhood trauma, feeling the need for validation from outside sources, feeling fearful, feeling insecure and most importantly I am now able to notice immediately when I'm speaking or making decisions from a place of my ego mind.

Through my journey of Self-Discovery I learned the most important lesson in life; Self-Love Is Essential!

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