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React From A Place Of Stillness

"Be Still and know that I Am God." - Psalm 46:10

A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words.

We have to understand that silence is powerful. It is where you can start your healing process, it is where you can overcome depression and anxiety. You can even enter into your stillness to overcome triggers and in doing so heal connections in your life.

You become lighter and radiate positive, pure, Holy, peaceful, caring and loving energy. When you live and react from a place of stillness.

The Biblical story of Jesus calming the sea when the Disciples became afraid and anxious comes to mind. Jesus woke up from His sleep and said, "PEACE BE STILL and the wind ceased and there was GREAT CALM.'" - Mark 4:39

The other day the question came to mind, how does one know when you've actually healed? God answered and said, once someone triggers you with their words or actions and you immediately become still, calm down, then react from a loving, caring and understanding place. Then you'll know you've healed.

Once positive habits and actions comes naturally to you, then you know that the work that you've been doing are paying off and is actively working in your life. That is when you enter into a new state of mind. You become a true embodiment of God. That is when you have truly awakened and became the vessel that God can use to flow through.

Something to always remember is that even though you do the work and you've reached enlightenment does not mean you won't encounter souls who haven't gone through the process yet, souls who still need to evolve and at the moment they embody elements from fear, such as trauma, (jealousy, hurt, pain, past betrayal, insecurities). Do not feel personally attacked by those souls. Jesus said on the cross, "Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do."- Luke 23:34

You enter back into stillness, and you ask God to show you how you should react to whatever have been said to you or have been done to you. Ask God to call you to action, so that when you do feel compelled to react and be transparent, you do it from a place of peace, from your Oneness with Christ and not a place of ego or fear.

Silence is the great teacher and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that comes from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence. - Deepak Chopra

Silence is the best therapy. So, tap into it. Whether you do so through, Meditation or Prayer. Become still and connect to God. Believe me, He wants to hear from you!

Written By: Nadine van Rayner

Follow Me On IG For More Motivation & Inspiration: @thoughts.of.a.woman1111

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