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Overcoming A Savior Complex

Sometimes you don't realize you're actually drowning when you're trying to be everyone's anchor.

The moment I heard the word "Savior Complex" on the series All American, I simply had to do more research on it. I could immediately relate to what was said about having a Savior Complex and because I'm the type of person who love to work on myself, do healing work, learn new things, change my old ways, grow and then use that process to help and inspire others. I simply had to face the fact that I definitely have what is called a Savior Complex to some degree.

The definition of the term Savior Complex is as follows:

Savior Complex - Also known as White knight syndrome. A Savior Complex occurs when individuals feel good about themselves only when helping someone, believe their job or purpose is to help those around them, and sacrifice their own interests and well-being in the effort to aid another.

When you have a Savior Complex you make excessive personal sacrifices. "In essence, having a Savior Complex means that you believe you can save someone else from their own problems and often that you're more enamored with fixing someone than loving them for who they are.

There's so much more information about having a Savior Complex, but to write in one blog post will take up too much of your time to finish reading. Therefore I decided to do more research and to continue my own journey of healing from my own Savior Complex in order for me to better understand and share the knowledge I have gained from my own experience. With that being said keep on following my Instagram account:


and my website to find out when I'm publishing my first eBook for the year 2021 so you can read more about having a Savior Complex, how to overcome it, the positive way to help others and what the negative side of not healing yourself first before trying to save others is.

I'm leaving you with these words: "We become obsessed with saving others when we need to save ourselves. Save yourself first."

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