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  • Writer's picturethoughtsofawoman1111

My Last eBook For 2020

Before I begin today's blog post let me just ask isn't it amazing that the date today is 11/11/2020?

(November 11th is always a powerful day, but this is the first time in 101 years where 11/11 also occurs in a repeating number year 2020.... 2020's double dose of 2's further ignites your psychic and spiritual connection. The last time we experienced this repeating date phenomenon was back in 1919. That means over 99% of the world's population have NEVER experienced a day like this in their lifetimes. The 11/11 portal can unlock your path to prosperity and clarity.) Just a little fact that I read earlier in that I felt like sharing with you about today. If ever you desired to manifest something or make a change in your life. Today is the most powerful day to do it. I send you all a lot of love and blessings today with all my Divine Pure Energy, because Abundance flows more freely to you, when it continues to flow outward from you, as you pass it on. 2020 is the year that we constantly have to send out prayers, love and positive energy ou into the world, because a lot of souls are going through their awakening stages this year and a lot of souls are still caught up in their dark night of the soul stage (depression) during this terrible changes the world is going through and the "pandemic" that we're facing.

On that note I just have to say that I can't believe that I'm busy writing my last eBook for 2020. I wasn't planning on writing another one this year, but then a loyal reader of mine requested that I write one more and publish it on her birthday; the Ninth Of December. So I can't disappoint one of my most loyal readers now can I! Plus it will be my very first eBook that I'm writing as a request. In this eBook you can expect a deeper dive into Affirmations, What it means, Why you should use it on a daily basis, How to use it, How it helps to reprogram your mind from constantly thinking negative thoughts to having positive thoughts to combat those negative thoughts when they pop up. Our mind can be our biggest asset or it can be our biggest enemy in life. That is why it is always beneficial to work on our self daily to become better and to be the best authentic versions of ourselves so we can life the best life we can possibly live.

I leave with you one of my favourite Affirmations that I created after I read the book - As A Man Thinketh by James Allen; "I am limited only by the thoughts I choose!"

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