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  • Writer's picturethoughtsofawoman1111

Lessons I learned on my journey.

Being the outcast is a Blessing.

In life it is important to realise that people's weaknesses and strengths give them the room to be themselves. Therefore we should rather seek appreciation and value from God and not people, because we all have our own weaknesses and strengths, We can't fulfil each other and truly appreciate or understand each others own special and unique journey in life. We so often want to box each other in a self made reality and forget that each soul have their own unique journey set out for them. Sometimes that means the higher God takes us, the more others will disapprove of it, without realising that it is your soul purpose manifesting itself. That is your Divine destiny. Therefore it is import to realise that you'll never be able to keep everyone happy and that you don't need everyone to cheer you on. The less you depend on outside sources, the easier it will be to connect to your inner self and make decisions that will help you ascend to the highest and best version of yourself. That is your life purpose, to become your true self and live each day content and connected to your higher self.

So ask yourself today if you fulfilled your life purpose or did you allow outside sources to write your life story for you? Based on your answer, you'll know if you need to change the road you chose for yourself or if you should continue onwards and upwards. Never forget that life should be enjoyed every minute of every day. Embrace the challenges and take lessons as they come, because everything is a blessing, a beautiful piece of your magnificent puzzle!

So be so completely yourself that everyone else feels safe to be themselves too.

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