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Have Faith Like Ruth

Never judge someone based on a season.

  • One season David was a shepherd, the next season he was a king!

  • One season Ruth was working in the field, the next season she was owning the same field.

  • One season Mordecai was sitting outside the king's palace, the next season he was inside the palace.

We serve a God who turns things around, the God of unmerited favour!

During our working in the fields season, we often feel ashamed and embarrassed. We focus so much on the end goal that we often miss the beauty of the season that we find ourselves in. What it's teaching us, how much we're growing and evolving. It's during our humble seasons in life, that God teaches us the most. But it is up to us to actually be willing to be taught, to open ourselves us and put in the work to become better. So that when our season of prosperity comes around, we're able to handle it humbly and gratefully.

Lessons We Learn From Ruth:

  • Ruth teaches us hope in trouble times.

  • To be supportive.

  • To be diligent even when God's blessings is on you.

  • To have faith.

  • Ruth taught us that our choices affect our future, and as a result left behind a big legacy. Ruth and Boaz became the ancestors of Jesus Christ.

  • Ruth taught us the value of great character.

Boaz told Ruth that he was kind to her because he saw her kindness, faithfulness and care towards Naomi. - This goes to show that little acts can go a long way.

Never be ashamed of your humble season, if you do start feeling down, depressed or hopeless. Remember Ruth's life and find inspiration from the woman who went out into the fields to work for little, just to be able to survive. Not even knowing the bigger plan that God had for her life and that God was about to use the very same fields she worked in to bless her.

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