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Have A Can Do Attitude

A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances, instead of your circumstances having power over you. - Unknown

The other day I had a conversation with my Aunt. We spoke about breaking the status quo and we spoke about what it takes to do so. It takes a lot of courage and self-belief to be able to break a status quo and the "normal" way of how things used to be done. Being the first to take on something will have you face a lot of disbelieve, not only in you, but in your dream as well. Because no one around you ever did what it is you want to achieve, people will treat you like an outcast. Like there's something wrong with you for taking on such an impossible task - according to them.

One would think that is the most difficult task of taking on something new and going after your dream. It is not. Facing outside critics is nothing compared to the inner battle you have to overcome to actually go for your dream. It takes time and constant growth to be able to finally step into who you were meant to be. Only after you've masterd yourself, you'll be able to confidently master life.

Someone said to me years ago that God would never give a small child who pray for a Ferrari a Ferrari. Instead, He'll wait until that child is grown up and can actually drive a Ferrari, will He bless him with the Ferrari that the child prayed for years ago. The same way God can't bless you with a dream that you, yourself, can't even believe that you can manage. That's why it is important to grow into your dreams. By doing so you'll be able to take it on with the knowledge and wisdom that you need to manage that dream.

Don't wish away the process, don't get discouraged during the waiting season. For the waiting season is but only the season wherein God is preparing you for the dream that you so deeply desire. He after all placed that dream within you.

For that reason, everything you need is already within you. You simply have to grow into that version of yourself who'll be able to confidently tackle that dream and everything that comes with it.

A great attitude is not the result of success; success is the result of a great attitude. - Earl Nightingale

Written By: Nadine van Rayner

Founder Of: Thoughts Of A Woman

Thank you for your constant support in my blog & Instagram account (@thoughts.of.a.woman1111) this journey I took on a few years ago taught me so much about believing in myself and consistently going for my dreams. - Nadine

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