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  • Writer's picturethoughtsofawoman1111

Generational Accomplishments

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

Some of you are breaking generational curses and you don't even know it. That's why your attack has been so hard.

The motivation and inspiration behind this blog post is my amazing and loving son. This morning we had a conversation, before he went to school. He told me that he can't decide between the options he has for his career path. I asked him why he wants to choose now. There's still years for him to decide. Then I asked him why he wants to choose just one, he can do both. Even his favourite soccer star isn't just a soccer player. My son then said, yes, he's a model as well and I said yes exactly, he's a businessman as well. he has multiple streams of income.

That conversation made me so happy and gave me so much motivation today as I went about my day. I remembered years ago someone told me that he believes that sometimes in life what we strive towards was handed down to us from our ancestors, for example a father can start a journey or have a dream to start a business. By all means he can pursue his dream and start a small business. Then the next generation, the father's child comes along and after watching the father, learning from him and pure passing down from one generation to another, the child ends up building a bigger business and being more successful. Until the child becomes a parent and their child with the passion goes beyond the father and the grandfather and build the biggest empire.

What's amazing about viewing life through that lense is you see the role the father and the grandfather had in the success of the third generation. The same way we pass down generational curses, the same way we pass down generational blessings, and my son reminded me of the fundamental part my father and my grandfather played in my ambition, DETERMINATION and perseverance to create a legacy and follow my dreams. For that I will forever be grateful.

Never feel like what you do doesn't matter. What you do matters. You can either leave behind a generational curse or you can leave behind a generational blessing. The choice is always yours. Dream so you can teach the next generation that dreams do come true. My mother and grandmother played a big role in my spiritual gift and the spiritual power I have, but that is a blog post for another time.

Create a legacy then pass it on. - Thoughts Of A Woman

- IG @thoughts.of.a.woman1111

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