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Flourish In Egypt

Not fitting in is a blessing.

The Bible story of Joseph is a very beautiful story. That we can learn a lot from. Joseph was his father's favourite son and all the other brothers knew that. His brothers started plotting against him, yet Joseph actually wanted to do everything in his power to be a part of their brotherly group. Yet the more he tried, the more he stood out as different and as a result, the more his brothers disliked him.

In life we so often want to fit in, being rejected is painful. It hurts and the more you're rejected. The harder you want to try to get noticed or be seen as part of the group. What Joseph didn't realize was that God had a bigger plan for his life. That God wanted to use him to end up saving his family. If Joseph fit into the group, he would never have been sold, he would never had gone through all the adversity he went through in Egypt and at the end of the day won Pharos favour.

The Bible verse sums up the story of Joseph perfectly: Now do not be upset or blame yourselves because you sold me here. It was really God who sent me ahead of you to save people's lives. - Genisis 45:5

Even though the rejection that Joseph felt growing up were terrible to endure, even the trouble he faced as he was sold into slavery. At the end of the day, Joseph saw that God had a much bigger plan for his life, that he himself couldn't even comprehend.

That's why in life it's so important to flourish in the season that you find yourself in. You never know what God has planned for your next season.

Flourish Divine Warrior That You Are!

-Thoughts Of A Woman

Follow Me On Instagram For More Daily Motivation: @thoughts.of.a.woman1111

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