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  • Writer's picturethoughtsofawoman1111

Definition Of A Strong Woman

A business partner of mine asked me the other day to describe in my own words what a strong woman is.

My answer was simple: "To me a strong woman is someone who goes through everything in life and get through it stronger than she was before. A strong woman to me is someone who uses what she went through to help, motivate and inspire other women.

Her response was: "Wow you have said it all, thank you, you just described yourself to me."

In that moment I had Selena Gomez in mind when I sent her the message, yet she saw me in that message. Based on that I have learned that we often can't see our own magic. We spot it in others but when someone sees it in us we shy away from it or we talk it down and can't own the complement.

Being a strong woman is always a very positive chain reaction that inspires another woman to be strong herself, that causes the next woman to pick up on that energy and so on the chain of strength and positivity continues.

What you see in other people is a reflection of yourself. A person of goodness sees goodness in others and a person of evil sees evil in others.

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