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Consistency Is What Transform Average Into Excellence

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day. - Richard G Scott

If I had to choose one word for 2021, it will definitely be consistency.

In life we can't achieve anything if we're not consistent. Anything we take on needs consistency to make it a success. With that said being consistent is a mental switch we have to make by ourselves. To continue even when no one support you, when people doubt in your ability to succeed - you need to believe whole heartedly in yourself. When no one is clapping for you, you need to be able to clap for yourself. When you feel like letting your dreams go and to conform to societies norm, you have to motivate yourself to switch your mindset from negative to positive again. You have to be able to continue even when you get rejected or get the answer no. You have to believe in your dreams and see your end goal as if it was Manifested already, then you have to work and keep going until it Manifest in your reality.

At the end of the day consistency is the key to achieving any goal you desire to accomplish. If one way doesn't work, you don't stop, you simply move on to the next way, the next plan, the next step. Eventually you'll start reaping the fruits of all your hard work and effort.

Always Remember: Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally, but what you do consistently.

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