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Can You See The Signs

Once you take the spiritual world seriously you will start to see a sign in everything, everyone and every situation.

Having the spiritual gift of seeing visions and having dreams have been a new rollercoaster ride for me. Not to mention being spiritually awakened. The lessons and things I see now in life is truly amazing. It's like having pieces of a puzzle that eventually fit themselves into place and your left standing there with an open mouth like you're watching a real life movie. Last night I had a dream, a beautiful dream that turned scary real soon. So this morning I woke up in my "What does this mean state again". I then felt the need to speak to my business partner who actually also have the same spiritual gift I have. Afterwards I spoke to my mother and to my amazement they both gave me the same answer. The day went on and I continued my daily routine. But this dream bothered me, because I kept wondering what it all means. (I'm that type of person who'll sit with something on my mind until I receive the answer to it.) Just before my son went to bed he walked up to me and he took his Bible, because every night I read a story for him and pray before we sleep. Normally he doesn't like it because he rather want to lay with his phone. Not last night, instead he took the Bible himself and said come let's read. I then told him ok he should read for us. He then openend the Bible at the story of Moses. The story of when Moses went up the mountain to speak to God. "And God said to Moses, 'I shall come to you in a thick cloud. The people will hear me speaking to you and they will believe you for ever more. Go to them straightaway and tell them to purify themselves over the next two days, because on the third day, I will descend before their very eyes."

I immediately smiled because my dream was confirmed to me and it's meaning was as clear as daylight. So I'll be following the instructions I was given in the dream.

But how many times do we ignore the signs God give us when we go off tract? Sometimes we get so caught up in worldly success that we forget what is most important and that is the relationship we have with God. I do follow signs and I see them everywhere, in everyone and everything. God is all around us daily wanting to connect with us on a deeper level. The enemy uses the things around us, our phones, our worries, our plans, our goals, even our ambition to distract us from God. Because he knows that when we're consumed with all those things we will forget about the most important things. That is the guidelines God gave Moses to share with us. The ten commandments. If we follow those guidelines we can live a life of peace, a life close to God.

Now ask yourself, do you pay attention to the signs God send you daily? Can you see the signs in everything, everyone and every situation of your life? Or are you too distracted by worldly things to pay attention to the God given signs all around you? The next time you receive signs from God in a dream or a message. If you don't understand it then ask and you will receive the answer. God want us to reconnect with Him on a daily basis not only once every now and then.

This shall be the sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do this thing that He has spoken. - Isaiah 38:7

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