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  • Writer's picturethoughtsofawoman1111

A Difference Between Love and Self-respect

The other day as I watched one of my new favorite TV shows I heard this simple, yet very powerful statement from the lead female character. She said to her husband who hurt her; "There's a difference between love and self-respect. Meaning there's certain things that my love for you will allow that my self-respect won't."

That statement to me was mindblowing and a real eye opener to what we as women allow, all in the name of love. We love people to the point of insanity then that same people turn around and call us crazy, obsessed and insecure. We endure narcissistic abuse in relationships, all in the name of love. People insult us, belittle us, use us, manipulate and gaslight us. Yet we stay loyal, we forgive, we overcome, we push those feelings of hurt, betrayal and embarrassment aside and we carry on. Head held high. Not even realizing how little by little our self-respect and self-esteem gets broken down. To the point where you wake up one day and you can't even look yourself in the mirror, without breaking down in tears. All in the name of love.

To the woman who feel broken today or any day. If you take anything from this, let it be those simple words from a broken woman; "There's a difference between love and self-respect." In it you will find the courage to pick yourself up and give yourself the love you so freely give to others.

Take care and may God Bless you with abundance, joy and peace in your heart to continue on your life journey.

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